Equidad en la Educación Superior: Diseño y Resultados de Programas de Acceso en Universidades Selectivas. CEPPE UC, Centro de Estudios de Políticas y Prácticas en Educación. Santiago, Chile.
Autores: Santelices, M., Catalán, X., Horn, C.
Abstract: Equidad en la Educación Superior. Diseño y Resultados de Programas de Acceso en Universidades Selectivas, profundiza en tres de estos programas institucionales, estudiando las variabilidades en sus diseños, formas de implementación y resultados. El Propedéutico “Nueva esperanza, mejor futuro” de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile, que se desarrolla desde 2007; el Sistema de Ingreso Prioritario de Equidad Educativa (SIPEE), que se implementó el año 2012 en la Universidad de Chile; y el programa Talento e Inclusión (T+I) de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, que comenzó a ejecutarse el 2011 en la carrera de Ingeniería de dicha casa de estudios.
The Quest for Equity in Chile’s Higher Education. Decades of Continued Efforts. Lexington Books.
Autores: Santelices, M., Horn, C., Catalán, X.
Abstract: In Chile during the last forty years, there have been important initiatives aimed at increasing equity in higher education, including the private provision of tertiary education starting in 1980, the growing support provided by the state to low-income students through financial aid, the increasing importance of institutional financial aid, a university admissions system that has made efforts to reduce the important weight standardized test scores have traditionally had in admissions decisions and institutional-level programs implemented to broadened the admission of low income students to selective institutions.
This book seeks to describe the concurrent efforts undertaken both at the national and at the institutional level to increase equity in access to higher education and educational outcomes in Chile during the last four decades. Taking stock of the accomplishments of Chile´s higher education system is especially important at a time when social demands and political decisions seem to deeply question the road traveled.