- Director de Núcleo Milenio Experiencia estudiantil en la Educación Superior: Expectativas y Realidades
- Profesor Asociado, Facultad de Educación UC.
Grados académicos:
- Postdoctorado, Institute of Education, University College of London, Reino Unido.
- Doctor en Educación, The University of Sydney, Australia.
- Magíster en Educación, The University of Sydney, Australia.
- Sociólogo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Proyectos de investigación recientes:
- 2020 – 2024. “Docencia en la educación superior chilena”, Fondecyt regular N°1201636. Investigador responsable.
- 2016-2020.“Integrando learning analytics y la experiencia de aprendizaje de estudiantes universitarios de primer año para mejorar sus procesos y resultados de aprendizaje”, Fondecyt Regular N°1161413. Investigador responsable.
Publicaciones destacadas:
- González, C., López, D., Calle-Arango, L., Montenegro, H., & Clasing, P. (2022). Chilean university students’ digital learning technology usage patterns and approaches to learning. ECNU Review of Education, 5(1), 37-64.
- Olivares, R., & González, C. (2019). Undergraduate research or research-based courses: Which is most beneficial for science students?. Research in Science Education, 49(1), 91-107.
- Hongbiao, Y. & González, C. (2018). Undergraduate students’ approaches to studying and perceptions of learning context: A comparison between China and Chile. Higher Education Research & Development. 37(7), 1530 – 1544.
- Olivares-Donoso, R., & Gonzalez, C. (2018). Biology and medicine students’ experiences of the relationship between teaching and research. Higher Education, 76(5), 849-864.
- Marchant. J., González, C. & Fauré, J. (2018) The impact of a university teaching development programme on student approaches to studying and learning experience: evidence from Chile. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 43(5), 597 – 709.
- Sandoval, A., Gonzalez, C., Alarcon, R., Pichara, K., & Montenegro, M. (2018). Centralized student performance prediction in large courses based on low-cost variables in an institutional context. The Internet and Higher Education, 37, 76-89.