Investigadores del Núcleo Milenio EDSUP participaron en AERA Annual Meeting 2024
Entre los días 11 y 14 de abril se desarrolló en Philadelphia, Pennsylvania el AERA Annual Meeting 2024, en el que participaron distintos investigadores del Núcleo Milenio Experiencia Estudiantil en Educación Superior. Entre ellos estaban directora alterna del Núcleo, Verónica Santelices, y los investigadores, Ximena Catalán, Paula Clasing, Sergio Celis, Edgar Valencia, Daniela Véliz y Ana Luisa Muñoz.
Títulos de sus presentaciones:
- Daniela Véliz, Liliana Pedraja y Johana Fuentes – Promoting Success Through a Mentoring Program at a Research University in Latin America.
- Sergio Celis y Esteban Vega – Mapping the Employment Boundaries of Science and Engineering Recent Ph.D. Graduates in the Global South.
- Ivet Parra-Gaete y Sergio Celis – Doctoral Education in Latin America: A Literature Review of Research Trends Between 2011 and 2021.
- Paula Clasing y Carlos González – What Matters for Approaches to Learning: The Student Socioeconomic Background or the Learning Environment?.
- Paula Clasing – Exploring the Effects of a Tuition-Free Policy on Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Chile.
- Edgar Valencia y María Angélica Mora- The Performance of Expanded Format Over Likert Scale Response Format in a Large-scale Educational Survey.
- Fernada Rojas-Müller, Ana Luisa Muñoz y Kyuttzza Gómez- Feminist Knowledge Construction in the Advancement of Gender Policies in Higher Education.
- Andrea Lira, Andrea Barría y Ana Luisa Muñoz – Pedagogies of Gender Knowledge, Territorializing the Rhizome and Playing in Knowledge Construction.
- María Verónica Santelices, Ximena Catalán, Magdalena Zarhi, Laura Muñoz y Alicia Ibañez – Information and Transition to Higher Education: The Voice from Chile´s Technical-Vocational Track Students.